Heather Veague, Ph.D.


You’re in the Right Place

Psychotherapy and Assessment for Tweens, Teens and Young Adults

Office Located in Concord, MA
Licensed to provide psychological services in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont

Hello, I’m Heather

I specialize in helping people understand their emotional needs and thrive socially. I do this by providing thoughtful and comprehensive psychological assessments as well as interpersonally-oriented psychotherapy.

Through an assessment, you’ll learn about your own (or your child’s) strengths and weaknesses so that you’re able to harness your gifts and buttress your weaknesses. In therapy, you’ll learn to believe in and connect with yourself in such a way that you can share your most authentic self with the world.

Nothing is more rewarding than helping someone learn to honor their unique gifts and build lasting connections. If you’re interested in learning more about me and my work, read on!

Let’s Find Your People

You’ve been looking for your people. The ones who somehow just get you. Maybe they share your specific quirkiness, or maybe they just find all those quirks delightful. The people who understand why you do what you do, or if they don’t understand, accept you anyway.

Does it feel like people keep you at arm’s length? Perhaps you have friends and family, but the connections just aren’t as deep as you’d like. It feels like you carry a sense of not-belonging everywhere you go. You’ve tried to make yourself likable. Or you think something is wrong with you, so you stopped trying to connect. Maybe you look for safety in books, hobbies, TV, rituals, and planning.

It’s not you. It’s not them. You’re just not a good match with everyone you meet.

In therapy, I’ll help you build a relationship with yourself and others so that your gifts are treasured, where your particular sort of whimsicalness is accepted and cherished.

Some Ways I Can Help


Psychological Assessments

Thriving at Boarding School and College

Social Success for Tweens and Teens

“Insist on yourself, never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment, with the cumulative force of a whole life’s cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous, half-possession”.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self Reliance”, 1841.

Let’s Work Together